+91 9447192224

Kerala Shop & Establishment Registration

Our Services

  • New shops and commercial establishment registration
  • Renewal of the existing registration
  • Online licence
  • Preparation of National and Fesival holidays as per Act
  • Advice on wage register preparation
  • Advice on muster roll preparation
  • Advice on Appointment letter preparation
  • Advice on service record preparation

What Is Kerala Shop And Commercial Establishment Act?

It is an Act to unite and modify the law relating to the regulation of conditions of work and employment in the shops and commercial establishments in  Kerala. All the  states in India have enacted the Shops and Establishments Act.  Shop Act is executed in order to: regulate the conditions of work, provide for statutory obligations of the employers and administer the rights of employees in the unorganized   sector and other  establishments  in their jurisdiction. Major points are: Daily and Weekly Hours, Extra wages for overtime work, Intervals for rest, Spread over, Opening and closing hours, Closing of shops and grant of weekly holidays, Annual leave with wages, Special casual leave for sterilization operation, Wages during the leave period etc.

“Shop” means any premise where any trade or business is carried on or where service is rendered to customers, & includes office, store-room, Godown or warehouse, whether in the same premises or not, used in connection with such trade or business but does not include commercial establishments or  shops are attached to a factory where the persons employed in the shop are allowed the benefits provided for workers under the Central Act 63 of Factories Act 1948

‘Commercial Establishment’ means a commercial/ industrial/ banking/ trading/ insurance establishment, an establishment/ administrative service in which the persons employed are mainly engaged in office work, hotel/ restaurant/ boarding / eating house/ café / any other refreshment house/ a theatre or any other place of public amusement/ entertainment and includes such other establishment as the Govt.may, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be a Commercial Establishment for the purposes of this Act, but does not include a factory to which all or any of the provisions of the Central Act 63 of the Factories Act.